Sign the Petition:
Commit to the Fund ELL Futuro Agenda

If New York State (NYS) is truly committed to educational equity, it must invest in meeting the needs of its multilingual learners (MLLs).  When it comes to graduation rates and academic achievement, MLLs lag behind their non-MLL peers.  In order to level the playing field, NYS must put forth the resources needed to meet the academic and socio-emotional needs of its multilingual learners.  From increasing the number of certified teachers as well as academic and enrichment programs to providing a targeted initiative to increase graduation rates and improve communications and outreach to MLL parents, NYS can and must do more.  

To achieve this goal, we call on New York's leaders across state government—the Board of Regents, the New York State Education Department (NYSED), Governor, and Legislature—to fulfill these investments so that all multilingual learners across this state graduate high school prepared to succeed in college and career. 

Invest in:

1.    Increasing the MLL graduation rate, so that it equals the non-MLL rate. Every student, regardless of their language ability and the year that they enter high school, should be given the resources, flexibility, and additional supports to graduate high school prepared for college and career success. 

2.    Supporting the expansion of certified teachers that teach Multilingual Learners. All students, including multilingual learners, deserve teachers that are certified, trained with the skills and knowledge for effective pedagogy, so that every child achieves academic growth and success.  

3.    Growing academic and enrichment opportunities for academic enrichment. MLL students deserve access to programs that will allow them to increase their academic capacity, as well as provide them with enrichment opportunities for additional academic and personal growth. 

4.    Improving parent communication and engagement at the school and district levels. All parents, regardless of their home language, should be provided with information and outreach to better support their child in school, and districts should develop more robust materials and transparent outreach processes to better inform parents in home language.

5.    Meeting the socio-emotional needs of Multilingual Learners.The needs of children and youth are not limited to the academic, and all students, especially MLLs, deserve to have access to mental health services in order increase their overall achievement.

6.    Better understanding the needs of Multilingual Learners. Form a New York State Commission to Advance the Achievement of MLLs that would provide recommendations and guidance on increasing the academic and postsecondary success of MLLs. 

7.    Allocating owed funding to school districts across NYS and earmark a percentage of funds for multilingual learners. NYS must restore $1.4 billion owed in Foundation Aid to needy school districts across the state over the next three years and dedicate $85 million per year for MLLs.


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