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Con los fondos y recursos adecuados más estudiantes multilingües podrán graduarse

La población estudiantil multilingüe, o MLL por sus siglas en inglés, ha crecido en un 20% durante la última década y representa hoy es un significativo 9% de la población estudiantil en el estado de Nueva York.

New York is failing non-English speaking students, report finds

newly released report from the LEAD coalition, a group of 30 organizations, points out that the state has the nation's second lowest graduation rate among multilingual learners (MLLs) and English Language Learner (ELLs), as well as higher dropout rates and lower rates of proficiency in math and English as compared to the rest of the student population.

Muchos estudiantes inmigrantes o hijos de inmigrantes no se gradúan de la secundaria: reporte

Un reporte de la organización Hispanic Federation sobre la educación de los hijos de las familias inmigrantes señala que estos niños y jóvenes obtienen resultados deficientes en relación al resto de estudiantes.

Niños inmigrantes que aprenden inglés como segundo idioma están en desventaja académica en Nueva York, según estudio

La investigación revela que el desempeño de los estudiantes entre tercer y octavo grado es muy pobre debido a diversos factores socioeconómicos. La Federación Hispana está pidiendo al estado 110 millones de dólares para asistir a los jóvenes en programas después de clase con apoyo académico y consejería emocional.


HERE to HERE and LEAD Coalition Publish Report on Latinx College Completion Crisis During the Hispanic Education Summit

A new report points to important findings about the postsecondary success of Latinx students, finding that work-based learning experiences like internships address the most common barriers for Latinx college completion

Champions Senator Jackson and Assemblywoman Arroyo Were Instrumental in the Latino Education Advocacy Directors Coalition’s NYS Multilingual Learner Commission Bill Becoming Law

The campaign led by the LEAD Coalition, called “Invest in Our Future,” outlined the challenges and a series of recommendations aimed at closing the achievement gap among this high need student population. Included in these recommendations was a bill that would create a Commission for the Educational Advancement of Multilingual Learners (S4031/A8211).

Latino Education Advocacy Coalition Launches New Statewide Campaign Focusing on the Needs of Multilingual Learners, the Students with Lowest Graduation Rate in NYS

The Latino Education Advocacy Directors (LEAD) Coalition launched a new statewide campaign today to push for an increased investment from New York State in its multilingual learners (MLL), to ensure that their academic needs are met.