Below are lists of helpful resources for families that includes food access, healthcare, mental health, unemployment, small business grants, and more. These are separated into three categories: Guides by various organizations that include resources of all areas, Unemployment, and Health Care and Guidance.
The first section is Quick Links to all the resources and the second section is Detailed Resources which are all the resources with descriptions of what they are and what they include. All of the resources are in english unless otherwise stated.
Resource Guides
Hispanic Federation Resource guide- offering support on food access, health, mental health, education, unemployment, small-business grants, and more.
COVID-19 Resources for NYC Youth and Families - includes education, mental health, food services, unemployment, and more. Compiled by NYCEDU.
Opportunity Network Resource Website- The Opportunity Network is actively tracking resources and tools in response to COVID-19.
General available assistance and supports: Federal | New York State| New York City.
Coronavirus: Latest Updates and Tips - The Understood Team - Includes updates for families, school closures, work environments and more.
SOMOS – COVID-19 Crisis National Latino Survey Information- survey results on the effect of COVID-19 on the Latino community.
(SPANISH ONLY) National LULAC kit of resources about COVID-19 in Spanish
Unemployment Workers Project Hotline at 347-521-5720 for free advice on unemployment claims.
Free Legal Services for Unemployment Claims - New York State Bar Association
Health Care and Guidance
New York State Health Care information on coverage and supports to receive low cost, quality health insurance.
COVID-19 Guidance - how to keep you and your families safe.
Resources for Parents During Remote Learning
Hispanic Federation Resource guide- comprehensive list by Hispanic Federation provides direct support and contact information to find food pantries, health insurance information, medical assistance, education updates, mental health, unemployment information, small-business grants, and more. Information is available in ESPAÑOL.
COVID-19 Resources for Youth and Families Top COVID-19 Resources for NYC Youth and Families that include education, mental health, food services, unemployment, and more. Compiled by NYCEDU. Resources can be found by topic and by most updated information. There is a broad selection of events, direct supports, hotlines, and websites.
Opportunity Network Resource Website- The Opportunity Network is actively tracking resources and tools in light of the ongoing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. There is a focus on economic supports, wellness resources, technology support, and undocumented students recommendations/guides.
General available assistance and supports: Federal | New York State | New York City - updated resources on programs and resources at the Federal, state and local level. Page updated as needed every month. The website provides a comprehensive list of resources available through the COVID-19 emergency (Spanish resources available)
Coronavirus: Latest Updates and Tips compiled by The Understood team and providing a broad range of updates for families, school closures, work environments and more during the COVID-19 crisis. Resources focus on helping people who learn and think differently and need support to thrive at home, at school, and at work. Updates on issues that impact learning, special education, talking with kids, and working from home are provided (Spanish resources available).
SOMOS – COVID-19 Crisis National Latino Survey Information- survey results on the effect of COVID-19 on the Latino community. This includes the economic, health and social impact of COVID-19 in the Latino community. It also provides an outline to Latino reactions to COVID19 recovery Bills, political implications and the 2020 election.
(SPANISH ONLY) National LULAC kit of resources about COVID-19 in Spanish. Guia de las principales fuentes de salud y agencias gubernamentales del país, que están rastreando diariamente para mantenerlo informado. Esto incluye la información más reciente sobre recursos federales y novedades sobre impuestos, novedades de los CDC, información de viajes, asistencia para pequeñas empresas e información sobre beneficios.
Unemployment Workers Project Hotline at 347-521-5720 for free advice to low-wage, unemployed workers in New York who are seeking to access their government benefits, including updates as state and federal rules change.
Free Legal Services for Unemployment Claims - the New York State Bar Association is providing free legal services for those having issues with their unemployment claims. NYSBA will pair you with a volunteer attorney to manage your claim.
Health Care
New York State Health Care information on coverage and supports to receive low cost, quality health insurance. You can quickly compare health plan options and apply for assistance that could lower the cost of your health coverage. You may also qualify for health care coverage from Medicaid or Child Health Plus through the Marketplace.
COVID-19 Guidance: The Office of People with Developmental Disabilities’ Emergency Operations Center has personnel from across the state with expertise in crisis response, public health, data management, IT, and logistics working to maintain the continued delivery of OPWDD services while protecting the safety and security of the people we support.