NYC children are eligible to be placed into kindergarten in the year they turn five. Each winter, kindergarten applications are accepted for the coming school year, and every eligible applicant is guaranteed a seat. For more information, visit the DOE’s Kindergarten Admissions webpage.
Zoned Admissions
Students can also be placed directly into their zoned schools. To find your zoned school, call 311 or visit the DOE’s School Search webpage. Families can then contact their zoned schools directly at the beginning of the school year to register their children. Families who need to register for elementary school but do not have a zoned school should visit a Family Welcome Center.
Gifted & Talented
Parents of students who are already enrolled in pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade can apply for Gifted & Talented programs on behalf of their children. For more information, visit the DOE’s G&T Admissions webpage.
Students with Disabilities
All NYC families with school-aged children, including students with disabilities, can register for placement in City public schools. Many elementary school students with disabilities can receive their special education services at general education programs. Families who require services that cannot be provided by a general education program will work with their local Committee on Special Education (CSE) to identify programs that meets their children’s needs. Children who already have Individualized Education Programs (IEP), will be placed into elementary school programs that align with their IEP service and accommodation recommendations. For more information, visit the DOE’s Students with Disabilities website.